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Riverbridge Primary School

Home Learning

Welcome to the Riverbridge Home Learning page

The purpose of home learning is to reinforce children’s learning in school and give them an opportunity to share this learning with the adults at home. It is important that children have an opportunity to reflect on the learning across the curriculum and move their newly acquired knowledge from their short-term to their long-term memory through repeated practice and building connections between old and new learning. Regular home learning will allow children the opportunity to make these connections and recap learning that they may have covered in previous weeks.

The information below shows the home learning that is set for each year group. These activities will be published each week on Google Classroom (Years 1-6) as a reminder each week.


  • Children will be given story sacks with a book and resources that can be used to support with sharing stories at home.
  • Children will bring home a puzzle/activity pack that when returned will be exchanged for another


  • Children will bring home a Little Wandle book that is linked to the sounds they are learning in school – this is a book they will read independently.
  • Children will also bring home a library book – this is a book that they may not be able to access independently but something they have chosen to read with an adult at home.
  • A set of phonemes the children have learned that week will also be sent home.

Year 1

  • Children will bring home a Little Wandle book that is linked to the sounds they are learning in school – this is a book they will read independently.
  • Children will also bring home a library book – this is a book that they may not be able to access independently but something they have chosen to read with an adult at home.
  • An activity on MathShed on a Thursday for the following Tuesday. This is an online platform where children will be able to recap skills they have learned in school. Login details will be shared in children’s reading records.

Year 2

  • Children will bring home a Little Wandle book that is linked to the sounds they are learning in school or a book that is matched to their reading comprehension ability – this is a book they will read independently.
  • Children will also bring home a library book – this is a book that they may not be able to access independently but something they have chosen to read with an adult at home.
  • An activity on MathShed on a Thursday for the following Tuesday. This is an online platform where children will be able to recap skills they have learned in school. Login details will be shared in children’s reading records.
  • Children will be set a spelling activity linked to their learning in school.
  • A Learning Review activity will be set (further details below).

Year 3-5

  • Children will bring home a Little Wandle book that is linked to the sounds they are learning in school or a book that is matched to their reading comprehension ability – this is a book they will read independently.
  • Children will also bring home a library book – this is a book that they may not be able to access independently but something they have chosen to read which may need adult support.
  • An activity on MathShed on a Thursday for the following Tuesday.
  • An activity on SpellingShed on a Thursday for the following Tuesday.
  • A Learning Review activity will be set (further details below).
  • Children will also have access to Times Table Rock Stars.

Year 6

  • Children will bring home a Little Wandle book that is linked to the sounds they are learning in school or a book that is matched to their reading comprehension ability – this is a book they will read independently.
  • Children will also bring home a library book – this is a book that they may not be able to access independently but something they have chosen to read which may need adult support.
  • Children have access to Times Table Rock Stars and MathShed where activities can be completed but set activities will not be assigned.
  • A Maths and English activity will be set in CGP books on a Thursday to be completed by the following Tuesday.
  • Daily number facts will be set every day in folders.


For children in Years 3-6, MathShed can be accessed in the same way as SpellingShed using the same log in details (all found in children's planners). For children in Years 1 and 2, log in details will be shared via children’s reading records and the website can be accessed using the link shared on Google Classroom.

Learning Review

This is a range of activities, of which at least one must be completed over the course of the half term. This is an opportunity for children to recap on their learning from the previous half term in a range of different subjects in a variety of different ways. These are due towards the end of the half term (dates set on Google Classroom) but can be brought in or uploaded to Google Classroom at any point before this. There will be an opportunity for children to share this new learning at the end of the half term.

If you have any questions about home learning, please speak to your child's teacher. 

Riverbridge Primary School