Welcome to the Riverbridge Parent Teacher Association (PTA)
The PTA (Parent Teacher Association), is a fundraising community that provides equipment, facilities and experiences for Riverbridge children in support of our school's values and curriculum.
We want to enrich each child’s learning journey by raising funds for the school. In the past 2 years this has included funding for a new sensory garden, laptops, play equipment, phonics books and trips and events for the children.
The PTA is an integral and inclusive part of the school. Every parent and member of the school community is welcome to get involved by coming along to our meetings and/or volunteering to help at our fun events. We aim to create a friendly community environment with social opportunities for all.
As a registered Charity we hold an AGM (Annual General Meeting) every September where we set out aims and priorities for the three terms of the academic calendar. We also meet regularly throughout the school year.
Our volunteer leadership team includes:
- Chair – Robyn Russell-Hughes (Parent)
- Secretary - Hayley Hatcher (Parent)
- Treasurer - Sandra Mukhandi (Parent)
- Communications Lead - Chris Lean
We enjoy a close partnership with our school and are supported by Headteacher Paul Grimwood, School Business Leader Julie Williams and office staff Carly Gammage.
If you have any questions or would like to get involved, please get in touch:
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Last school year (2022-23) we raised over £16,000 to support events, activities and resources to support the school and the children’s learning.
The projects and events we have funded include:
- Bridge Intervention Space at KGB
- Enhancements to outdoor play areas
- School trips, visits and workshops for every school year
- £100 for each class teacher to spend on extra resources
We've also run some really successful events like the Balti Bingo, Quiz night. Welcome Back Party and our annual sponsored scoot!
Donations and Sponsorship
We have a Virgin Money Giving Account which can be used at any time for donations:
As a registered charity we are also able to claim Gift Aid so when making a donation or sponsoring a child via Virgin Money Giving, please do check the box and allow us to claim Gift Aid on top of your donation (no additional cost to the donator).
Buying online
Riverbridge PTA also benefits when purchasing online via Easy Fundraising and Amazon Smile (just use the link below and shop as normal). There is no additional cost to the purchaser and for every order placed a donation is made to the charity of your choosing – please set up your account selecting ‘Riverbridge PTA’ with every online purchase.
Easy Fundraising:
Amazon Smile:
Advertising on the PTA Events website
Tickets to all Riverbridge PTA events are available online via the platform. If you are looking to advertise your business, or a business you work for to the Riverbridge parent community, you can do so via this website. All our parents are directed to this website when making event payments
Volunteer for the PTA
From bakers to gardeners, website designers to bid writers, event managers to accountants; we are always looking for volunteers and you may have just the skills we need.
Volunteering your time is a great way to make a contribution to the quality of life at Riverbridge, feel good about making a difference and can help boost your CV.
Riverbridge PTA is a registered Charity. Many businesses offer their employees paid time off work to help charities. As a charity, we would qualify and request that potential volunteers put their work requests in throughout the year to help us with events.
All parents, carers and grandparents are welcome to join as active members at any time.
Contact us to find out more:
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